The Centriboet mobile dewatering units are integrated by the following elements:
- Two phases centrifuge decanter, powered by electric motor and hydraulic motor Viscotherm with active analogical control for the regulation of the differential speed, to treat sludges with an entrance concentration between 1 and 10%, maximum flow from 3 to 90 m3/h and dry matter at the output of 120 up to 5000 kg/MS/h.
- Automatic flocculant preparation unit with variable flow, for powder or liquid.
- Sludge pump with variable flow, driven by an electric motor.
- Variable flow flocculating pump, driven by an electric motor.
- Conveyor belt or worm conveyor for the discharge of the dewatered sludge.
- Control and control panel with programmable controller for flow monitoring, centrifugal running status, pumps, flocculation unit and conveyor belt, temperature, pressure and empty pipe alarms, auto wash and emergency stop.
- Hoses for sludge and water, and cable for electrical connection.
Mobile dewatering units are available for quick intervention and can be rented for specific needs over a short or long period and you are guaranteed a permanent assistance.